We are dual licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. Hours of operation are 7:00AM-6:00PM. We offer morning half day (9:00AM-11:30AM) or all day (7:00AM-6:00PM) sessions for Nursery (3-4 yr. old) and Pre-Kindergarten (4-5 yr. old). Our Kindergarten (5-6 yr. old) program is strictly all day with classes running from 8:30AM-3:30 PM.

Our Nursery program consists of age appropriate activities with a focus on co-operative and imaginative play. In addition to a play curriculum there are structured group times that focus on the child’s academic skills, (language arts, math, science, listening, direction following, and attention span.)

Our Prekindergarten program prepares your child for kindergarten. This well designed curriculum focuses and encourages development in readiness skills, language arts, multi-cultural experiences, socio-emotional development, and number and math concepts. Creative play areas also encourage social interaction.

A nutritious lunch is also included

AM and PM snacks provided

Our Kindergarten program is academically orientated. Offered only in an all day format, the children receive all math and reading readiness development in the morning, with science and social studies sessions scheduled in the afternoon. The children receive Spanish and free play sessions daily. They also visit the school library once a week and are able to borrow books which instills a love of reading and learning and helps them build a sense of responsibility.

In addition to art activities done in the classroom, all students visit the art room in small groups, once a week to receive specialized art instruction. The students are exposed to the works of famous artists through different techniques, while creatively exploring with a multitude of varying media.

Summer Camp

Our summer camp program is offered to children Nursery school age through 8th grade. The ten week program begins the Monday following the end of our school year. Each week is centered on a different theme, with activities and field trips taken relating to that theme. Campers will spend their days doing crafts and activities, playing board games, and enjoying our beautiful outdoor playground when not on an exciting field trip.
Primary Prep

Our Primary Prep Program is open to elementary age children (1st - 5th grades) and provides parents with quality before and after school care and in-service days. Children will be transported to and from their elementary school. The time at Royal Oak will be spent with homework assistance and free play, with a morning and afterschool snack being provided.